Monday, January 16, 2012

Taking pleasure in my productivity - stuffy nose, pounding head, and all

At the end of every year, for the past few years, I've scrambled to "get my room in order". Mostly this NewYear's Eve ritual has consisted of dusting, organizing, vacuming my room from top to bottom. This year, I neglected to enter the New Year with a clean room. I hated that I had so much going on that I missed it.
Well, two weeks into the New Year, I finally began to get my room in order. I appears that I made the work harder on myself by taking up a hobby - scrapbooking. For whatever reason, this has made more of a mess of my workstation that my jewelry making. It has been my goal to document every crafting project by a post onto youtube, but I sometimes do not have the patience to make a video and wait for it to upload. I have taken pictures of various projects, but I haven't had the time to post them to my craft blog .

I've been sick the past few days (and detoxing about a week before that), so I feel pretty terrible, but being in my room all day to rest and quarentine myself pushed me to point of frustration with the disorganization of my room enough to make me get out of bed and clean stuff up - head pounding and all. Even in the pre-organization phase (piling like-stuff together in mounds) I made time to craft a bit and cleared some stuff out of the way in the process.

My organization wisdom from God today: "productivity is getting stuff done and enjoying it".
And the "blessing" of my cooking after some chinese food: Nothing in the world can compare to perseverance.

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